优秀设计资源 » 45个高级photoshop特效照片处理教程


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photoshop照片处理教程很多,但很少是我想学的,所以今天达人收集了一些非常有feel的照片特效教程,这些 photoshop教程在国内很少有找到,不过有点可惜的是下面的教程不是很适合英文不懂的朋友了,但也没所谓,有时候我们看图过程也能知道他是怎么制作出来的。

Abstract Style Sword Warrior with Fiery Effect


Dramatic Fisheye Spartan Scene

Beautiful Abstract Portrait

Complex Falling Angel Scene

Music Inspired Street Scene

Surreal Apple Habitat Scene

Dark, Conceptual Photo Manipulation

Dramatic Sci-Fi Photo Manipulation

Surreal Desert Scene

Inspiring Light Bulb Photo Manipulation

Create an Elephant Sundae


Create a Fantasy Haven for Travelers

Dark Human Photo Manipulation with Liquified Water Texture

Serene Fantasy Photo Manipulation

Photo Manipulation with Nebula Effect

Cool Flying Snail

Studio Sports Portrait

Photo Manipulation of a Wolf in Stormy Weather

Add Dynamic Lighting to a Flat Photograph

In this tutorial, you’re shown how to spice up a fairly dull and flat photograph. It’s quick and easy, taking you from a flat photo to a uniquely lit style.

Photo Manipulate a Scenic Natural Spa Scene

A Deus-Ex Inspired Photo Manipulation

Create a Surreal, Politically-Charged Photo Manipulation

Create a Fantasy Space Photo Manipulation Using Photoshop

Powerful Human Disintegration Effect

Vivid Alien Invasion Scene

Create a Fantasy Miniature World

Stunning Parrot Photo Manipulation

Photo Manipulate an Artistic Cloudscape Scene

Eerie Portrait Photo Manipulation

The Released: Create a Dark and Surreal Photo Manipulation

Surrealistic Room Photo Manipulation

An Intense Apocalyptic Photo Manipulation

Scenic Out of Frame Photo Manipulation

Photo Manipulation of a Whale Stealing from a Seagull

Floating Over-Grown “Tree House”

How to Create a Flaming Manipulation

Dazzling Dance Photo Manipulation

Colorful and Futuristic Photo Manipulation

Abstract Playing Card

Ruins of a Forgotten Abbey

An Out of This World, Medieval-Fantasy Theme

Create a Lamb’s Coat

Create a Mystical Floating Chinese Symbol Landscape

Create an Alien Invasion Photo Manipulation

你可以查看更多 photoshop教程

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