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HONG KONG — China’s currency stabilized on Friday, ending a three-day plunge that shook markets globally during the renminbi’s steepest devaluation in decades.


For the first time since Tuesday, the country’s central bank set the official exchange rate higher — though only slightly — against the dollar.


The renminbi responded by strengthening 0.1 percent, ending the week at 6.392 per dollar. Still, that meant the People’s Bank of China had effectively devalued the currency 4.4 percent. It was the steepest drop since the country’s modern exchange rate system was set up in 1994.


The sudden decline added fuel to a global debate about currency wars. It also raised new concerns about whether Chinese leaders could manage the country’s huge but slowing economy as they pursue market-driven overhauls to the financial system, which remains broadly under state control.


China’s stock markets are still struggling after a sell-off that began in mid-June. The government took extraordinary measures to support share prices, including barring major shareholders from selling stocks and ordering state agencies to buy, with backing from state banks. But they had little lasting effect.


The renminbi’s fall should provide a modest boost to the country’s exporters, as the prices of their goods become relatively cheaper to overseas buyers. But officials at the central bank have denied that was why they pushed the currency down, saying instead that they wished to move closer to an exchange rate guided by trading.


Instead of ignoring movements in the currency market, the central bank said it would begin to use them as the reference point in its daily setting of the exchange rate. The renminbi’s reaction to this change, they said, was a “one-off” adjustment.


The currency had been under pressure to weaken as China’s economy slowed. But the central bank kept it closely linked to the dollar, which had strengthened against most other major currencies because of the rebounding economy in the United States.


“China’s equities market crumbled this summer because its regulators were incapable of acting in the face of a bubble,” Daniel H. Rosen, a founding partner of the consultancy the Rhodium Group, wrote in a research note. China’s central bank “was determined not to repeat that mistake with the currency,” he added.

“今年夏天,因为监管机构在面对泡沫时没有能力采取行动,中国股市崩盘,”咨询公司荣鼎咨询(Rhodium Group)创始合伙人荣大聂(Daniel H. Rosen)在一份研究报告中写道。他接着表示,中国央行“下决心在货币问题上不再重蹈覆辙”。

By Friday, China had made clear it would allow the currency to move with the markets. But the central bank also showed it would not hesitate to step in if needed. And the renminbi’s daily swings are still capped at a rise or fall of 2 percent.




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