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Roadside Assistance Gresham

What Are the Benefits of Roadside Assistance?

Imagine this: you are driving down the road, and your car breaks down. You don’t know what to do, and you can’t fix the problem yourself. Sound like a nightmare? It doesn’t have to be! You can rest easy knowing that help is only a phone call away with roadside assistance. This blog post will discuss the benefits of roadside assistance and why you should consider adding it to your car insurance policy.

What is roadside assistance?

Roadside Assistance Service Gresham

Roadside assistance is a service that helps motorists when they are stranded on the side of the road. Many towing services offer this service, including towing, fuel delivery, battery jump-starts, etc. Check with your towing company to see which services they provide.

What are some roadside assistance services?

There are many services that road assistance can offer motorists. Tow trucks are often equipped with tools to handle various roadside problems. These services will vary by the tow company, so be sure to contact your service provider whenever you need any of the following issues:

Fuel delivery

If your car runs out of gas and you’re stranded on the highway, they can bring you enough fuel to get you to the nearest gas station.


If your car has broken down and cannot be driven, a tow truck will take it to the nearest mechanical garage. This service can be included in the price of roadside assistance coverage.

Battery jump-start

If your car’s battery has died, towing providers can give you a quick jump-start so you can get back on the road.

Lockout service

Auto lockouts can happen to anyone. They’re also unsettling; it’s easy to feel unsafe if you’re locked out of your car in an unfamiliar area or if it’s dark outside. If you’ve locked your keys inside your car, a towing service provider can help you get back into your vehicle. They will send someone with lockout tools to get you back on the road.

Flat tire change

If you have a flat tire, emergency roadside services can help you get moving again. They can change or patch your flat tire and use an air hose to get it back in shape. If they can’t fix it on the spot, they can tow you to an auto shop to fix it.

Winching service

If your car is stuck in the mud or snow, a towing company can pull it out with a winch. This service can be included in the price of road assistance, but check ahead of time if you anticipate needing this service.

How is roadside assistance useful?

There are many reasons why roadside assistance is helpful to a motorist, and these include the following:

Fast service

One of the main benefits of roadside assistance is getting help fast. You don’t want to wait hours for a tow truck to arrive when your car breaks down. With emergency roadside assistance, support will be on its way as soon as you call.

Affordable rates

Another benefit is that it is affordable. Most insurance companies offer road assistance as an add-on to your existing policy, and the rates are usually very reasonable. If you don’t have roadside assistance insurance included in your auto insurance policy, you can also purchase it as a standalone service. Either way, you’re getting a lot of bang for your buck – and you’ll be glad you have it if you ever need help on the road.

Breakdown protection

Another great benefit of roadside assistance programs is that they offer breakdown protection. This means if your car breaks down, the service will tow you to the nearest auto shop. You won’t have to worry about finding a towing truck on your own or paying for the cost of towing.

Variety of services

Roadside assistance typically includes various services, such as towing, gas delivery, and battery jump-starts. This means that you can get the help you need, no matter the problem.

Peace of mind

Finally, the best benefit of roadside assistance is peace of mind. If something goes wrong, you know that you don’t have to worry – help is on the way. Knowing that help is only a phone call away can give you the confidence to hit the open road.

Is roadside assistance coverage part of car insurance?

Roadside assistance coverage is typically an additional coverage in car insurance, but it depends on your car insurance policy. Be sure to check with your insurer to see if they offer a roadside assistance plan and what services are included.

How do I claim roadside assistance?

If you have roadside assistance through your car insurance, you can typically call the same number you would use to file a claim. If you have standalone roadside assistance, be sure to keep the contact information in your car so you can call your insurance company when you need help.

Contact the professionals today!

If you’re stuck on the highway and need roadside assistance near Gresham, don’t hesitate to contact Speed’s Towing. We offer various roadside assistance services to help you get back on the road, including fuel delivery, tire changes, lockout services, and battery jump-starts. We’re available 24 hours a day, so you can always count on us for quality service when you need it most. Give us a call today!

Here are the related services we offer:

  • Roadside assistance services such as locked vehicles, gas delivery jump, and emergency lockout services
  • Emergency towing services
  • 24-hour towing
  • Light-duty towing
  • Medium duty tow

Read our About Us page to learn more about our company!

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What Are the Benefits of Roadside Assistance?

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