Floating Point • Chan Yin Inn
提名参赛 空间 酒店 民宿 4051 0 2017-08-22
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中文 / English
“浮点•禅隐客栈”是由一栋老宅改建而成,改造前的“浮点•禅隐客栈”是锦溪古镇南大街上2幢毫不起眼的破房子,老屋门前荒草重生。曾经的白墙也在雨水的冲刷中变得斑驳,破败感中带有年代的气息。在拆建的过程中,设计师在保留老房子灵魂和神韵的基础上进行内部的设计与改造,希望走进来的每个人都可以感受到人文与设计相结合的意境,以及当地浓浓的风情。 建筑主材选用:青砖及瓦片、H型钢、竹子、白水泥、老木头、通电雾化玻璃等。还有些是就地取材、 保证资源的循环再利用。 “浮点•禅隐客栈”整个建筑都经过精巧的设计,圆形拱门、青砖墙、老瓦片等都是古朴原生的元素,竹枝、竹桠营造出乡野的意境,而水泥、设计师家具又为这个空间注入了鲜明的现代气息。此外,日月的意象、以及飘带形状的走道都是借鉴神话故事而来的巧思。 客栈整体空间被我们定位为灰色调,这种稳重的灰色调所体现的文化性的气质与木质所表达的淡定豁达的空间特征不谋而合,这也正是我们所追求的境界。孰重孰轻并不重要,空间的意境、空间的文化感才是中心。 在建筑外观屋顶选用青瓦,利用拼接工艺将瓦片延伸到了墙面,让我们的建筑更简约但又保留了江南水乡的建筑特点。在此项目中室内外运用到了大量的竹枝、竹桠,做为装饰,从而将禅境中表达乡野、荒蛮的意境完全的体现了出来。设计中选用竹子的原因是,竹子造价低,又很容易让人感受到禅的韵味、意境。 内部空间布局:客栈分为3层,9间客房,每间客房都有独有的特点。通过精心布置,有美有意境。开放式的空间布局,现代与复古的交融碰撞,白色墙面与浅色地板的辉映,精挑细选的简约设计家具,还有那唯美的纱幔垂于各处,每一处线条和灯光都十分考究。客房和公共区域随处可见的席地座榻,可看茶,可冥想,独守一份禅静。
这个项目为业主创造了商业价值,为住客带来了别样的感官价值。 这个项目从功能上的创新、对审美感知的理解,生活方式的不同体验等方面,进行了深入的探究,并做了很多尝试及改进。
这个项目在商业上主要表现在它的原创性及独特性。 该项目在发布后的时间内,通过设计师本身的知名度加上媒体的宣传及设计业内的认可、让该项目在市场品牌知名度方面一跃而起。
家具的研发,施工工艺的创新手法,市场营销策略等都是该项目的创新点。 这个项目之所以能够达到预期的目标,是因为过程中我们在创新,沟通、执行等方面做了不少的努力。
该项目的目标是为了打造舒适的有地域文化特色及人文情怀的精品创新民宿,经过一段时间的运营,远超了预期的效果。 做这个项目的初心是为了满足个人的一个小情怀,最终的结果在社会反响方面取得了出乎预料的表现、这个项目是为了遵循公司的发展战略,项目最终对于这个战略的推动意义是比较满意的。
Project Description
Floating Point • Zen hidden Inn" is a converted from the old house, before the transformation of the "Floating Point • Zen hidden Inn" Jinxi Town, South Street, two modest house broken, the old house in front of the weeds Rebirth. Once the white wall is also washed in the rain becomes mottled, with a sense of age in the atmosphere. In the process of demolition and construction, the designer retains the soul and charm of the old house on the basis of the internal design and transformation, and hope everyone can come to feel the combination of humanities and design mood, and the local thick style . The main building materials used: brick and tile, H-beam, bamboo, white cement, old wood, electricity, such as atomized glass. Some are local materials, to ensure the recycling of resources. The entire building has been carefully designed, round arches, brick walls, old tiles are all primitive elements of bamboo, bamboo, bamboo to create a rural mood, while the cement, the design Division furniture for this space has injected a distinct modern atmosphere. In addition, the image of the sun and the moon, and the ribbon-shaped walkways are drawing on the myth story from ingenuity. Inn overall space is our position as gray tones, this stable gray tones embodied in the cultural temperament and wooden expression of calm and open space characteristics coincide, which is what we are pursuing the realm. What is more important is not important, the mood of space, space culture is the center. In the roof of the building selection of green tiles, the use of splicing process will tile extended to the wall, so that our building more simple but retains the Jiangnan Water features of the building. In this project the use of a large number of indoor and outdoor bamboo, bamboo, as a decoration, which will express the country Zen territory, the barbaric mood completely reflected out. Selection of bamboo in the design of the reason is that low cost of bamboo, and it is easy to feel Zen charm, mood. Internal space layout: The inn is divided into 3 layers, 9 rooms, each room has a unique characteristic. Through careful layout, there are beautiful mood. Open space layout, modern and retro blend of white walls and light-colored floor embraced, carefully selected simple design furniture, as well as the beautiful mantle hanging everywhere, every line and light Are very elegant. Rooms and public areas can be seen everywhere seat couch, you can see tea, meditation, a Zen keep a quiet.
User Value
This project creates commercial value for the owner and brings a different kind of sensory value to the residents. This project has carried on the thorough research from the function innovation, to the esthetic perception understanding, the life style difference and so on, and has made many attempts and the improvement.
Business Performance
The project is mainly commercial in its originality and uniqueness. The project was released within the time period, through the designer's own popularity, coupled with media publicity and design industry recognition, so that the project in the market brand awareness jumped.
Social Impact
The project is intended to break the fixed pattern of Pan pension age, advocates the originality and uniqueness. To promote the development of innovative quality of pension direction, hoping to play a certain role in sustainable development.
Team Structure
The project was designed by the team of FCD fuchen design studio, Wanfuchen is the chief designer and the floating Zen implicit consultant Co., Ltd. is responsible for marketing and planning.
Furniture R & D, construction technology innovation, marketing strategy are innovative points of the project. This project has been able to achieve the desired goal because we have done a lot of efforts in innovation, communication, implementation and so on.
Project Achievements
The goal of this project is to create a comfortable with regional culture characteristics and the humanities quality innovation pension, after a period of operation, far more than the expected effect. This project is the beginning of the heart in order to meet a small personal feelings, the final results achieved beyond expectation performance, social repercussions in the aspect of this project is to follow the development strategy of the company, the final project for this strategic significance is satisfactory.


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