Computers Mobile

7 Best Ringtone Downloading apps for Android Users

As we all love music. Music briefly explains our emotions, personality. Even we are always like singing or whispering some song in our head. But what if your mobile phone starts singing a song according to your wish. Don鈥檛 get shocked? 聽Yes, we are just talking about the ringtone that you will get whenever a call or text message arrives on your phone.

Even if I talked about myself I am the biggest music freak. I just love music and I always try to capture the new music whenever聽it聽is released. Thus, I just give voice to my mobile phone whenever any call or messages arrive as a ringtone.

Must visit :聽Download Free Bollywood Songs From These 10 Great MP3 Songs Sites

Ringtones have always been a great way to add features, personality to your phones. There are thousands of ringtones in the market that can be downloaded without any charge. There are so many applications for Android users through which聽you can easily download free ringtone in just a few seconds. These apps are available on Internet, Google play Store.

ringtones for android

Apart from the free ringtones, there are some apps that even let you聽create your own ringtone. Isn鈥檛 it amazing? You would be able to assign your own ringtone, your own music to your own mobile phone.

You are having so many apps in your phone and all have the same ringtone. You get confused and bored with it every time you hear the same ringtone.. Now, no more, you can assign different ringtones for different apps. Even you can assign your favorite ringtone to聽your favorite contact. So what are you waiting for?

Also visit :聽 Best Android Apps to Download Free HD Wallpapers

Here is the list of best 7 ringtone downloading app for Android.

1. Zedge

Zedge is one of the best apps to download free ringtones. Zedge is聽 one of the best聽source to customize your Smartphone. Zedge includes ringtones, tone alerts, wallpaper on Android, iOS and Windows platform. Zedge has more than 100 million users all over the globe that makes Zedge the top ranked app among all the apps for the Ringtones and wallpapers.

In Zegde, resources are organized in a well manner. It includes categories of ringtones like top ranted, most downloaded and newest.


Zedge is much more than just being a ringtone app. Zedge provides HD wallpapers, live wallpaper and many more. You can find the best ringtone here that you have not ever tested before.

In search option you can easy search for the tune you have ever thought of. Zedge will provide you the all the suggestions for your searched content.

Even after downloading ringtone, you can directly assign it from the app only. Zedge allows you to even set ringtones for every contact in your contact list.

Click to download Zedge App for Andriod

2. Mobile9

Mobile9 is one of the most wanted ringtone app among the Android users. Mobile9 has a great user interface that you could easily find what you are looking for. Mobile9 has more than 1 million ringtones, wallpaper, themes.

Mobile9 will keep you updated in the field of ringtones, themes as they almost add new ringtones daily. Mobil9 makes downloading so easily. You can easily search for the ringtone you are looking for and can download in just a few seconds.

Click Here to download Mobile9


3. Myxer

Myxer is a smart and reliable application for downloading ringtones. Myxer give you a wide variety of ringtones that are easy to browse. You can download the ringtone in any of the modes i.e. download to phone, download to phone, send to phone.

Myxer serves as the best mobile entertainment in case of ringtones, wallpapers and everything this app holds on. You can easily create and customize the ringtone and alert tones from the songs or music you want to.

Click here to download Myxer


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4. Audiko Ringtones

Audiko is one of the good apps for free ringtone download for Android users. Apart from ringtone, Audiko provides amazing message alerts. Audiko has many genres in ringtones like pop, party, hip-hop, classic, rock, rap and many more.

The mobile app can be easily downloaded from Google Play Store for android users and Apple Play store for iPhones and iPads. MP3 version is available for downloading ringtones but if you have iPhones, then you may download the M4R file.


Audiko also allows you to create ringtone from music on your smartphones.

Click here to download Audiko Ringtones

5. Mad Ringtones

Mad Ringtones is very useful app for mobile ringtones. You may download ringtone free of cost and also upload your own music, audio files and this app will edit it specifically to use it as a ringtone.

You may find many ringtones that people have created themselves so you will have a lot of variety on Mad Ringtones. You may find the ringtones in all the formats that a phone supposes to support. Mad Ringtones also let you know the top 50 downloads.

You can download the ringtones in a very few steps without any registration. You can even review before actually downloading any ringtone.

Click here to download Mad Ringtones

mad ringtones

6. Funny Ringtone

Funny Ringtone is one of the聽best funny ringtone apps for Android that you could ever find. All the ringtones are genuinely funny and you will love that app. Funny Ringtone app is the best and the simplest way to make life enjoyable. If you get bored with same ringtones, then this app would surely help you out.

Uploading your own ringtones is also very easy. If you like any ringtone, you can tap the icon to make it your ringtone. This is one of the fastest apps because of its simplicity.

Click here to download Funny ringtones

funny ringtones

7. Ringtone Maker

Ringtone Maker is the free app. You can download your favorite music, tone to personalize your phone. Text messages, email alerts, alarm and the entire app that your phone has, all will get personalized you鈥檙e your chosen ringtone. It will notify you of incoming calls and messages.

As the name suggest, Ringtone maker will convert any song to ringtone. You can create ringtone from MP3, MP4, 3GP, VAP, AMR files. Select the song accurately with the Ringtone Cutter, exactly what part of song you want to convert into a ringtone.聽 You will always feel happy whenever your phone rings with your favorite ringtone.

Click here to download Ringtone Maker

ringtone maker

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Know some better ringtones apps? Share with us in comments.

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