Netcore Join Hands with Clearout to Automate Emails & Increase ROI

By Srikanth
2 Min Read
Netcore Join Hands with Clearout to Automate Emails & Increase ROI 1

Netcore Join Hands with Clearout to Automate Email Hygiene Process and Generate Exceptional ROI From Email Marketing Campaigns


The integration ensures weeding out of deactivated and dormant email IDs from the recipient list to reduce bounce backs and shielding the sender’s reputation score.

Netcore Solutions, the leading Martech solutions provider, today announced their latest partnership with Clearout, the leaders in email validation and verification to ensure the best in class email deliverability for businesses of all size and scale.

By using Clearout’s advanced email verification technology, Netcore pro-actively eliminates the possibilities of email bounce back. This ensures the emails hit the inbox, provides safety from spam traps and avoid any negative impact on the sender’s reputation.

Email is the most reliable and time-tested channel of engagement for businesses and the one metric that is extremely critical to the overall email marketing performance is the sender reputation score. Emails bounce due to deactivation of accounts, dormancy in usage or plain simple typos affect the sender reputation score adversely and in the due course of time, it proves fatal for the channel.

“Throughout our existence of more than 2 decades, Netcore has strived to enable businesses to deliver exceptional experiences to their customers and email has been an integral part of the mix.

By partnership with ClearOut, we have added another layer of sophistication to our already best-in-class email platform,” said Kalpit Jain, Group CEO, Netcore Solutions.

GnanaPrakash (GP),Founder, Clearout shares “We are really excited to partner with Netcore. Clearout’s integration with Netcore is meant to accelerate email marketing goals of their clients and deliver better ROI from the email marketing campaigns”.

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By Srikanth
Passionate Tech Blogger on Emerging Technologies, which brings revolutionary changes to the People life.., Interested to explore latest Gadgets, Saas Programs

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