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Xbox One X unveiled, release date and price set - How the Microsoft Xbox E3 2017 conference unfolded





So that's it from me. I hope you enjoyed spending the conference with us. Stay tuned to Telegraph Gaming this week for all the news and views coming out of E3. Ta ra.

Diversity wins

That said, there is no doubt the Xbox One's library is looking more diverse and interesting. There was a slew of fascinating games there, from art-house projects to blockbusters and everything in between. Will that be enough to convince people to spend five hundred bucks on a new box. We will have to wait and see.


Oh, no, that's it. A good show with lots of fun looking games, but really felt like it lacked the kind of big-hitting triple-A spectacular that will shift new boxes.

Time for an Anthem

We are getting a good look at Bioware Edmonton's new game Anthem. It is a third-person, open world sci-fi adventure. Multiplayer too. It is being targeted as publisher EA's  answer to Destiny. It looks gorgeous. Combat looks very much like Bioware's own RPG Mass Effect. But better. Hopefully.

Feels slightly odd to be giving a multiplatform game such a premium slot though. Do Microsoft have one more surprise up their sleeve. They better had.

We have an Xbox One X price and release date

The new console will launch on 7 November for $499 in the US. No UK price yet.

Original Xbox games now backwards compatible

Biggest cheer of the show so far goes to the news that you will be able to play a select number of your original Xbox games. Which is nice. Even better if they make these games available to buy digitally.

New Ori

The wonderful platform adventure Ori and the Blind Forest is getting a sequel and it looks beautiful. It's called Ori and the Will of the Wisps. To be confirmed if this guy is putting in an appearance.


Bloody Lord of the Rings action

Having a good look at Shadow of War, the new Lord of the Rings games that has you dismantling an ever-shifting Uruk-Hai army. Apparently there are Australian orcs called Bruce. Looks good fun, though it will be interesting to see what it offers over the original. Seems to have more of a sense of humour at least.

A new Life is Strange

The fabulous time-bending indie drama Life is Strange is getting a prequel. Looks like it will explore the story of Rachel, the girl that goes missing in the original game.

Still awaiting a showstopper

This has been good, but Microsoft really need a couple of big hitting new titles for this to go down as a successful conference to sell their new console.

Crackdown 3 in business

After going dark since its reveal at E3 2014 (along with a clutch of since cancelled projects) we are finally getting a good look at Crackdown 3. The original super-powered, building hopping comic-book adventure is very highly regarded and this looks like a lot of fun.

Cuphead is finally coming out!

Hooray, at its third E3, the brilliant looking 30s cartoon themed boss run adventure Cuphead has its release date, And it's not too far away. 29 September.


Sea of Thieves on stage

Another lengthy look at Rare's splendid looking pirate multiplayer adventure Sea of Thieves. Getting more into the combat, swimming and on-foot section. It is looking much spruced-up from last year. Fun narrated presentation too, much better than the staged crowing we had last time.

It is going on a while though. Shall we have something new now?

A diverse if understated lineup

This is going rather nicely so far for Microsoft as they announce another smart looking RPG, CodeVein. They do need their big hitters to come to the party though. These aren't the games that will shift boxes to the mainstream.

Arthouse X

We seem to have reach the 'games made just for Tom' section of the show. Raw Fury's fascinating looking cyberpunk yarn The Last Night and The Artful Escape, an arty platformer in which you wail on a magic guitar to propel you along.

Swords and sorcery

And right on cue, here's another. A high-end MMORPG called Black Desert. Looks like a touch of Platinum on the combat there as wizards and knights slap each other around a bit.


Well, I'm not sure many people would have called a new Dragonball fighting game appearing at Xbox's conference. But here we are. Dragonball Fighters Z. Microsoft certainly not having any trouble with diversity here.

Cross compatible Minecraft

This is an interesting one. You will now be able to play with other players in worlds on whatever platform they were created on. So in theory, if you are playing Xbox, you can join someone playing on Nintendo Switch. Nice!

The game is also getting a graphical spruce up for Xbox One X. Obviously.

I don't know what's going on

Jethro Tull, an e-sportscaster, is shoutingg over a new multiplayer game. Bloody Meryl with her bow and arrow hunting down other players.

Is Battlegrounds Xbox's biggest coup?

The games press thinks so. And we are inclined to agree, keeping such a hot topic away from PlayStation will serve Xbox very well.



Games, games, games

Microsoft racking up those 42 games in smart fashion now as we reach the meat of the conference. Neat looking Starship Trooper bug squishing shoot 'em up Dark Rock Galactic. And now State of Decay 2, a much anticipated survival horror sequel.

Player Unknown's Battlegrounds heading to Xbox One

The phenomenally popular PC battle royale game Battlegrounds will be a console exclusive for Xbox One. The game has been making quite the stir on Twitch and other streaming sites. We have an excellent feature on the game's success here.

A beauty

 I don't think I'm imagining it or buying into the spiel too much, these games really do look like a step-up in 4K. Assassin's Creed is another beauty. It looks like the extra time they've taken for that one has brought in some new ideas, a bow and arrow, the eagle. Looking good. Although it does have to go up against the excellent Horizon Zero Dawn. Will be interesting to see how they compare.

Egypt confirmed

We all knew this. But it is indeed set in Egypt. 'The birthplace of civilisation', according to Ubisoft. And apparently, the order of the Assassins. You play an assassin named Bayek. He has an eagle to spy on his foes.

Assassin's Creed Origins formally announced

One of E3's worst kept secrets is out! Assassin's Creed Origins is indeed the new name for Ubisoft's sneaky stab 'em up.

Devil's in the details

Metro really going to town on particle effects as beasts smash through wooden doors. No denying that extra resolution is noticeable. Splinters everywhere.

Forza 7 looking very shiny indeed on Xbox One X


A new Metro game

Well, this is a bit of a surprise. It looks like we have a new Metro game from 4A Games. The Ukrainian developers previous entries were terrific survival horrors set in post-apocalyptic Russia.

42 games

As they must to sell their shiny new box, Microsoft are going big on games during the show. 42 in total apparently, with 22 exclusives.

"The most powerful console ever made"

We are going to be hearing that a whole lot during this show. I wouldn't have a drink every time they say it, you've got work tomorrow.

Here it is

 Here is your first look at the new console. Very similar to the Xbox One S design, but even smaller.

It does look fantastic

Forza is a good shout to show off the X, the rain effects and vistas look splendid indeed.

They've announced a new car

In fact, for some reason, this is also our first look at the new Porsche GTR2S. It's very shiny. And now we're going to see it running in Forza Motorsport 7.

Forza Motorsport 7 time

To show off the Xbox One X's power and 4K visuals, Dan Greenawalt is here to show off the next game in Turn 10's racing  series (now the most popular in the world). Also they have a Porsche.

Sleek and slim

AS well as the most powerful. Xbox One X will be the smallest Xbox ever too. 

All Xbox One games and accessories will be compatible

As expected, you will be able to use all your controllers and play all your Xbox One games on X.


We're now getting a detailed breakdown of the chip powering the Xbox One X. Kareem Choudhry seems very pleased with himself and his 'optimized power management'.

Sexy specs

Microsoft are loving their specs for Xbox One X. "Six teraflops of power", is greeted with hearty 'yeehaws' from a fired up crowd.

We have a name

It's called the Xbox One X. "The most powerful console ever made," according to Xbox boss Phil Spencer, on stage to show off Microsoft's shiny new wares.


No time for pre-amble on this one. We'vve got our first look at the design of Project Scorpio. A sleek black number it is too.

Here we go

And we're kicking off with a look back at the Xbox's now 16 year history. All the way to the 4K Scorpio.

Settle in for a long night 

 Here's from Xbox head Phil Spencer


Event doors open


Good evening

Thanks for joining us as we cover Microsoft's E3 press conference. We're just under an hour from kick-off but we've already got some information about Project Scorpio leaking out.

The biggest nugget of info so far is its price, which is apparently $499. That's just under £399 for us in the UK, but it never quite works out like that, does it folks?


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