宁波图书馆新馆 建筑设计 / SHL

宁波图书馆新馆 建筑设计 / SHL


Located on the edge of an ecological wetland, the new public library in Ningbo is Schmidt Hammer Lassen’s first completed library project in China

宁波图书馆新馆 建筑设计 / SHL



After opening its Shanghai studio more than 12 years ago, Danish architectural firm Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects realizes its first library project in China, the 31,800-square-metre Ningbo New Library. Located 200 kilometres south of Shanghai at the centre of Ningbo, China’s new cultural hub, the library is a vital element in the ongoing development of the city.

宁波图书馆新馆 建筑设计 / SHL


Founded in 1927, the original Ningbo City Library held the largest collection of historic and ancient books in the region and attracted three to four thousand daily visitors.


The new library, with its open, accessible architecture, aims to double the number of daily visitors and become the cultural heart of the community.

宁波图书馆新馆 建筑设计 / SHL

SHL建筑事务所合伙人兼设计总监Chris Hardie表示:“七年前,当我们第一次来到宁波时,东部新城才刚开始逐步开发建设。


“We first came to Ningbo seven years ago when the Eastern New Town area of Ningbo was just beginning to slowly redevelop ,” said Chris Hardie, Partner and Design Director Shanghai at Schmidt Hammer Lassen. “To see the library completed and part of not only the new ecological wetland landscape, but also the fabric of the local culture, is a rewarding milestone for our team.”

宁波图书馆新馆 建筑设计 / SHL

An airy, welcoming new home to two million books


Ningbo New Library is organized around an 8,000-square-metre open “square” on the first level.

宁波图书馆新馆 建筑设计 / SHL


It comprises the most popular library functions and collections including the main lobby, reader services, children’s library, 24-hour library, a library for the visually impaired, two lecture halls, a café, and the grand reading room.

宁波图书馆新馆 建筑设计 / SHL

宁波图书馆新馆 建筑设计 / SHL

宁波图书馆新馆 建筑设计 / SHL


The ground floor is visually open on all sides, connecting it to an external public plaza and a landscaped ecological park and lake.

宁波图书馆新馆 建筑设计 / SHL

宁波图书馆新馆 建筑设计 / SHL

Chris Hardie说:“我们想为宁波设计一座便捷易达的建筑。以前的图书馆如同迷宫一般,所以我们希望宁波图书馆新馆拥有一个理性、清晰的空间布局。”

“We wanted to create a very legible building for Ningbo,” says Hardie. “The previous library was quite labyrinthine, so Ningbo New Library has an intentional spatial clarity.”

宁波图书馆新馆 建筑设计 / SHL

图书馆的中央是一个五层通高的大中庭。28 米高的“中央公共大书架”,将首层的文化市集,与上层一系列更为安静的专业研究空间和古籍地方文献阅览室联系起来。

In the heart of the library is acentral atrium that cuts vertically through the building’s five levels. The generous, 28-metre-high space connects the ground floor square with a series of quieter research spaces and the historic collections on the floors above.

宁波图书馆新馆 建筑设计 / SHL

宁波图书馆新馆 建筑设计 / SHL


The use of natural daylight in all interior spaces is optimized through the building orientation, and natural ventilation is maximized through the central atrium.

宁波图书馆新馆 建筑设计 / SHL

宁波图书馆新馆 建筑设计 / SHL

A landscape of contemplation


The spatial and architectural concept for the library creates a strong identity at the heart of the development.

宁波图书馆新馆 建筑设计 / SHL


The journey to the main entrance over the wetland takes the user through a journey of escapism and contemplation where bridges, walkways, water, and nature blend as one sculptural landscape.

宁波图书馆新馆 建筑设计 / SHL


A distinct and open facade welcomes visitors while casting a shimmering reflection on the lake.

宁波图书馆新馆 建筑设计 / SHL

宁波图书馆新馆 建筑设计 / SHL


The serene surrounding library landscape contains gardens where ponds form habitats for aquatic plants and animals and where thesky reflects in the pools’ surfaces. The landscape acts as a retreat for meditation and contemplation where people can disconnect from their busy daily lives and enjoy tranquility and relaxation.

宁波图书馆新馆 建筑设计 / SHL


Ningbo New Library is one of several Schmidt Hammer Lassen projects that have recently completed in Ningbo, China. The firm has also recently completed the headquarters for Ningbo Daily Newspaper Group as well as the sprawling Ningbo Home of Staff.

宁波图书馆新馆 建筑设计 / SHL
上方 Above – 宁波职工之家 Ningbo Home of Staff
左下 Bottom Left – 宁波图书馆新馆 Ningbo New Library

项目概况 FACTS
宁波市图书馆 Ningbo Library
建筑设计 Architect
Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects
景观设计 Landscape Architect
Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects
室内设计 Interior Design
Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects
建筑面积 Building Area
31,800 m2
竞赛 Competition
1st prize, restricted invitedinternational competition
状态 Status
2019年建成 Completed, 2019
合作艺术家 Artist collaborationRichard Sweeney
艺术品顾问 Art facilitation and fabrication
摄影 Photography
Adam Mørk


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