驻华使节艺术沙龙 | 展现诗意中国 加深交流互鉴

  • 2023-06-23 10:06:00
  • 北京市海外文化交流中心


On June 21, 2023, the “Art Salon for Diplomatic Envoys” , themed “Xiangshan Midsummer Night”, was held at Xiangshan Park in Beijing. The event was attended by Mr. Ahmed Zaki, Minister Plenipotentiary of Egypt, and Mrs. Munteha Jemal, Plenipotentiary Minister of Ethiopia, and over 40 diplomatic envoys from more than 20 countries including Pakistan,Indonesia,Singapore, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Italy, and the Dominican Republic, as well as representatives of foreign chambers of commerce in China, and overseas scholars. Together, the guests appreciated the gardens, enjoyed lotus tea, watched artistic performances, admired lotus flowers, and tasted local delicacies. In accordance with Chinese traditional customs, the event celebrated the summer solstice which marks the longest day of the year, and welcomed the arrival of the traditional Dragon Boat Festival. Within the immersive setting, where natural beauty, garden landscapes, and cultural allure intertwined, Chinese and foreign guests engaged in meaningful exchanges, deepening their mutual understanding and learning.


Mr. Liu Zuokui, Deputy Director-general of Beijing Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism, greets foreign guests at Xiangshan Park


Live performance Ode to the Dragon Boat Festival at Xiangshan Park


The “Art Salon for Diplomatic Envoys” is one of Beijing’s signature projects for international cultural exchanges. The Xiangshan Midsummer Night event was jointly sponsored by the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism and the Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of Beijing Municipality. It was organized by the Beijing Overseas Cultural Exchanges Center and the Xiangshan Park Administration Office, and co-organized by the Haidian District Bureau of Culture and Tourism. The event has been included in the 2023 series of “An Exchange with Foreign Diplomatic Envoys” of the Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of Beijing Municipality.


“As the emerald bamboo extends its tender shoots, the round lotus begins to disperse its fragrant aroma.” The summer solstice holds a significant place among the world’s cultural legacies as the earliest established solar term among China’s 24 traditional solar terms. Similarly, the Dragon Boat Festival, as one of China’s five major traditional festivals, embodies profound cultural connotations of the humanities and philosophy. Both the summer solstice and the Dragon Boat Festival are celebrated with specific holidays, with traditional seasonal foods, rich poetry, and stage arts, leaving behind an elegant whiff of lotus fragrance in Chinese traditional culture. The 2023 “Xiangshan Midsummer Night” of Art Salon for Diplomatic Envoys blends traditional customs of the summer solstice and Dragon Boat Festival with contemporary life. Through elaborately curated exhibitions, captivating performances, immersive hands-on experiences, and delectable food tastings centered around these themes, the event showcases the unique allure of Beijing—a harmonious fusion of its rich historical and cultural heritage with modern vitality.


Digital Art Exhibition on Solar Terms officially launched and opened to the general public


The event took place at Xiangshan Park, which is one of the core areas along the Xishan section of the Xishan-Yongding River Cultural Belt. It is where traditional Chinese culture and world’s garden architecture converge, and a window displaying Beijing’s distinct historical and cultural legacies. On the day of the event, diplomats from various countries explored the classic attractions of Xiangshan Park, such as the Qinzheng Hall, Jingcui Lake, Cuiwei Pavilion, Xiangshan Temple, and Shuangqing Villa, enjoying the summer scenery of this famous cultural garden that spans nearly a millennium.


Diplomatic envoys walk into Shuangqing Villa and learn about China’s revolutionary heritage


At the main venue of the event, Zhiyuan Courtyard, Chinese and foreign guests strolled through the corridors, enjoying the scenery and listening to the natural symphony of flowing waters and rocks. They also handcrafted the scented sachets for the Dragon Boat Festival to ward off evil spirits and disease. The shape of the sachets, the Jingdezhen porcelain beads, the fragrance of traditional herbal medicine...All these elements of Chinese historical culture stroke a chord with the guests, as they tried to create their own sachets with traditional techniques. The flavor connoisseur Yue Mu brought to the event the tea ceremony of Dragon Boat Festival, titled “Si Hai Fu Sheng”, meaning “A Floating Life under Heaven”, which continued the elegant tea ceremony featuring lotus flowers described by eminent writer Shen Fu in his Six Records of a Floating Life in the Qing Dynasty. It recreated the refined taste of two hundred years ago, told a graceful story across time and space, and condensed the subtleties of Chinese tea culture. Wang Liyuan, Shao Zheng, and Wang Jin, national first-grade performers of the Northern Kunqu Opera Theatre, delighted the guests with excerpts from the classic play The Romance of the Western Chamber, while students from the Beijing Vocational College of Opera and Arts performed the dance Summer Lotus and an erhu ensemble titled New Horse Race, showcasing the diversity of summer stage arts. In addition, the Digital Art Exhibition on Solar Terms vividly presented the cultural essence of the summer season through multiple scenes and interactive technologies. Many guests also experienced AI-powered paintings, creating unique and beautiful summer photos. After 19:00, when the sky was still bright, the guests enjoyed pea paste, Beijing-style rice cakes, mini zongzi, and walnut-shaped pastry, among other seasonal delicacies from China and abroad at a buffet, which was truly a delightful culinary journey for the taste buds.


Classic Kunqu Opera The Romance of the Western Chamber performed by National Grade-one Performers


Chinese and foreign guests enjoy erhu ensemble New Horse Race


Diplomatic envoys appreciate Fusheng lotus tea


Digital Art Exhibition on Solar Terms showcases distinct Chinese culture to diplomatic envoys


Mrs. Munteha Jemal, Plenipotentiary Minister of Ethiopia, said in an interview, "Today's event is very interesting, especially starting from the visit to the jungle and the historical places—really impressive. Also, after visiting the historical places in the jungle, we have come to the main venue to enjoy the performances. Very good."       


Civilizations have become richer and more colorful with exchanges and mutual learning. As different civilizations coexist and interact, this event serves to strengthen the exchange and cooperation between Beijing and foreign embassies and cultural institutions in the city.


Diplomatic envoys experience “Handcrafting Colorful Scented Sachets for the Dragon Boat Festival”


Diplomatic envoys experience “Handcrafting Colorful Scented Sachets for the Dragon Boat Festival”


Diplomatic envoys experience “AI-powered Painting” and have their own paintings framed as souvenirs


Group photo of Chinese and foreign guests


Diplomatic envoys visit famous attractions at Xiangshan Park


AI painting mini program

  • 编辑: 邢爽






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