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What we know about hairy women? What we know about hairy women celebrities? What we can learn from them?

Hairy Women – Frida Kahlo’s moustache

From a young age Frida Kahlo, famous Mexican painter, appeared very aware of her personal image, of the importance of controlling how she presented herself to the world; early family photographs show a teenage Frida dressed in a man’s suit, cocky and confident, clearly enjoying the effect on others that her appearance could generate. Frida’s moustache appeared in most her photos and self-portraits.
As a girl she had hopes of studying medicine. But when she was eighteen she was involved in a near-fatal accident, a bus collision that left her so seriously injured that she never completely recovered. It was during her long recuperation that she started painting; an especially designed easel was placed beside her bed to allow her to do so and a mirror installed above her, enabling her to embark on the series of self-portraits that would define her.

From the beginning her self-image was set; one of her earliest paintings, Self Portrait Wearing a Velvet Dress, already features the famous monobrow and the emphasised moustache – though the picture lacks the sternness of her better known self-portraits, her visual sense of herself was strong from the start. Thousands turn out to see Frida Kahlo’s moustache.

Hairy woman - Frida Kahlo

Hairy woman – Frida Kahlo

Frida Kahlo

Frida Kahlo

Frida Kahlo

Frida Kahlo

Hairy Women – Salma Hayek as a bearded lady

Salma Hayek

Salma Hayek

Hairy Woman - Salma Hayek

Hairy Woman – Salma Hayek

Hairy Woman - Salma Hayek

Hairy Woman – Salma Hayek

Not every film star would like to play a role of hirsute woman which could somehow damage her personal “perfect image”. Film celebrities are spending a lot of time, energy and money for becoming “perfect star” and sometimes one not successful play could ruin whole dreams and expectation. Salma Hayek: A Mexican Actress took a big risk but she succeeded. In Cirque Du Freak: The Vampire’s Assistant, Hayek costars as Madame Truska, the hirsute woman in a traveling freak show and girlfriend of the titular vampire (John C. Reilly). The fantasy, based on the popular young-adult books, follows a boy (Chris Massoglia) who becomes an apprentice to Reilly’s vamp. Hayek’s character sprouts whiskers every time she gets passionate with her boyfriend. “So she needs to be very comfortable with herself, which Salma really is in real life,” says director Paul Weitz (About a Boy). “I thought, of all people to have that problem, she’d be an interesting one.”

Salma Hayek in film “Frida”

Salma Hayek in film “Frida”

Salma Hayek in film “Frida”

Salma Hayek in film “Frida”

Salma Hayek in film “Frida”

Salma Hayek in film “Frida”

Salma Hayek in film “Frida”

Nominated for six 2002 Academy Awards®, including Salma Hayek for Best Actress, FRIDA is the triumphant motion picture about an exceptional woman who lived an unforgettable life.

A product of humble beginnings, Frida Kahlo (Hayek) earns fame as a talented artist with a unique vision. And from her enduring relationship with her mentor and husband, Diego Rivera, to her scandalous affairs, Frida’s uncompromising personality would inspire her greatest creations!

Hairy Women – International Winner for Worst Album Cover Ever

Saveta Jovanovic

Designing CD covers is very important step for all artists and it is a dream for many every designer who would like to become famous. Some artists feel pretty free in designing CD covers for others. Unfortunately sometimes singers pick the wrong designers for their music, following is the disastrous result of bad designers creating CD covers. Saveta Jovanovic chose a designer who prefers to demonstrate her as a hirsute woman reveling in her unshaven glory. Is it a mistake or a trick for attention?

Julia Roberts’ hairy armpit

Julia Roberts

Julia Roberts

Julia Roberts

Julia Roberts

Julia Roberts armpit

Julia Roberts armpit

There is nothing more embarrassing for a woman than to get busted with hairy armpits, and when celebrities are getting snapped 24 hours a day, there is no excuse for them to forget to shave… Over time, however, some stars have forgotten …

Very much overgrown hair here, that probably took a couple weeks to grow out to this length. So which celebrity wasn’t trying to hide these unshaven armpits?

Julia Roberts caused controversy with her hairy armpit, shown to the world at the London premiere of Notting Hill. The photo was taken from an accompanying BBC story about body hair

Madonna’s daughter has a normal mustache, plus A BONUS mustache over her eyes!

Madonna's daughter

Madonna’s daughter

Madonna's daughter

Madonna’s daughter

After Lourdes Leon, Madonna,s daughter, made her music video debut in her mother’s video, ‘Celebration’, she wants to experience something new. The 12 years old girl has a new dream: she wants to be an actress!

And she has the required skills: she plays piano and spends a lot of time enjoying fashion.

Madonna’s daughters Lourdes with her out of control eyebrows and mustache that Madonna’s won’t let her get waxed!

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