sourcing是什么意思 sourcing的翻译、中文解释

  sourcing是什么意思 sourcing的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释



  例句:Because through the cloud, through crowd sourcing, through the bottom-up world that we’ve created, where not just the elites but everybody is able to have their ideas and make them meet and mate, we are surely accelerating the rate of innovation.

  翻译:因为通过云计算, 通过外包集成采购服务, 通过我们已经创建的自下而上世界, 在那里不仅仅是精英,而是每个人 都能有自己的想法, 让彼此想法碰撞和, 我们一定会加快创新速度。 。



  例句:And they actually had to end up shutting down the leader board because while it was effective, it was so powerful that it stopped sourcing the best stories and started having people work to maintain their leadership.

  翻译:最后,霸占主页成为主要的目标, 当这种情形发生时, 社群动力就会使参与者不再推荐好故事, 并且,有些人开始专门为了维持领导地位忙活。。


  sourcing一般作为名词使用,如在dual sourcing([网络] 双重采购;采购)、force sourcing([网络] 兵力来源)、global sourcing([网络] 全球采购;全球资源搜寻;全球外包)等常见短语中出现较多。

  1. They were sourcing a second signal when it happened.


  2. He does the transportation and distribution, and she does the production and sourcing.

  翻译:他负责运输和送货, 她负责生产和采购材料。。

  3. Sourcing fabrics and liaising between the merchants and the company i work for.

  翻译:找纺织物的生产商 Sourcing fabrics and liaising between 在我工作的公司和商人之间保持联络 the merchants and the company I work for.。

  4. Look, Detroit, i pride myself on reliable sourcing.

  翻译:听着底特律小子 我对我的信息来源很自信。

  5. He does the transportation and distribution, and she does the production and sourcing.

  翻译:他负责运输和送货, 她负责生产和采购材料。 。

  6. First up: crowd-sourcing my 420 sq. ft. apartment in Manhattan with partners Mutopo and

  翻译:首先,我和Mutopo及Jovoto.com合作 众包我在曼哈顿的420平方英尺的公寓。

  7. Mizuki will be busy with the actual design work, so you’ll be selecting the materials and sourcing the pieces instead.

  翻译:瑞希会忙着做设计 所以就由你来负责挑材料 和找材料。

  8. By open-sourcing the lab to encourage access and inclusivity, i also run the risk of enabling powerful governments and profit-driven companies to appropriate the platform for fake news, marketing or other forms of mass persuasion.

  翻译:实验室的开源 是为了鼓励使用和包容, 但我同样冒着可能会让 强势和盈利企业 为了捏造新闻、市场营销 和其它形式的大范围劝导 而私自占用平台的风险。 。

  9. And it was through crowd-sourcing, it was through the kindness that strangers were showing me, that i could uncover parts of my past that were haunting me.

  翻译:而通过把所有秘密集合起来 我看到了与我素不相识的人展现出来的善良 也正是这样 我才能把困扰自己已久的秘密公之于世。

  10. Sourcing target beacon now.


  11. … paying attention to crowd-sourcing.

  翻译:关注众包来实现 。

  12. Having spent my life reading almost exclusively British and North American books, i had no idea how to go about sourcing and finding stories and choosing them from much of the rest of the world.

  翻译:我这一生几乎都在阅读 英国和北美的书籍 我根本不知道该怎么搜索寻找 去选择世界上大部分其他地方的作品 。

  13. We would like you to be in charge of sourcing for our whole operation in this country.

  翻译:我们希望你可以在我们公司在全国的运作中 We would like you to be in charge of sourcing 负责购买原料 for our whole operation in this country.。

  14. And then if they do those smart things with their supply chain — inclusive and responsibly sourcing their product — they see a 4.8 percentage point premium on their gross margins.

  翻译:如果在供应链方面做得好—— 寻找原材料时具有包容性和责任感, 便有 4.8 个百分点的增长率。 。

  15. Sourcing its origin will be a bloody nightmare.


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