

Inspiration from behance a 3 d designer, his work is so amazing, I like all of his works, thus made a plate product design, and Daniel Lepi
Inspiration from behance a 3 d designer, his work is so amazing, I like all of his works, thus made a plate product design, and Daniel Lepi
Recently I bought a potted succulent cactus, and I want to design a web page for it. In the later stage, I will add interactive effect to show the specific process by animation.
Recently I bought a potted succulent cactus, and I want to design a web page for it. In the later stage, I will add interactive effect to show the specific process by animation.
INSPIRATIONGRID inspiration is a photography website, photography agencies cooperate with a lot of art model, takes some art photos, with breakthrough tradition, bold expression, to provide services.
INSPIRATIONGRID inspiration is a photography website, photography agencies cooperate with a lot of art model, takes some art photos, with breakthrough tradition, bold expression, to provide services.
I made website design for home products this time, a new look of red and green color, I hope to give you some design inspiration.
I made website design for home products this time, a new look of red and green color, I hope to give you some design inspiration.
Labrador retriever,The attraction of the labrador retriever is so great that his gentle manners ntelligence and adaptability make him an ideal dog. Aggressive tendencies toward humans or other animals, or apparent signsofshyness inadult dogs, are serious deficiencies.
Labrador retriever,The attraction of the labrador retriever is so great that his gentle manners ntelligence and adaptability make him an ideal dog. Aggressive tendencies toward humans or other animals, or apparent signsofshyness inadult dogs, are serious deficiencies.
This is the recently made model website board design, in this interface can see the model's detailed body data.
This is the recently made model website board design, in this interface can see the model's detailed body data.
This is a women's clothing website, which is more about letting models perform fashion shows to attract users to buy clothes, so I use more model elements in the interface to attract users
This is a women's clothing website, which is more about letting models perform fashion shows to attract users to buy clothes, so I use more model elements in the interface to attract users
Capsule is a design studio in Los Angeles, and I believe everyone can get good design.
Capsule is a design studio in Los Angeles, and I believe everyone can get good design.
Around the world, 1.7 billion people drink Coca Cola's products every day, and about 19,400 drinks are sold every second. In October 2016, Coca Cola ranked the third among the 100 most valuable brands in the world. Coca-Cola provide Chinese consumers with more than 50 kinds of drinks to choose 15 brands, its series products in China enjoy the amount of 150 million cups a day, at present there are 43 in China builds factories, system of about 45000 employees, Coca-Cola and its bottling plants in China for a long time, spare no effort to support the education and public welfare undertakings donated more than 270 million yuan, the total coke is also the only one comprehensive support of special Olympics, the Olympic Games, paralympic games being held in China, the world expo, the universiade and the youth Olympic Games.
Around the world, 1.7 billion people drink Coca Cola's products every day, and about 19,400 drinks are sold every second. In October 2016, Coca Cola ranked the third among the 100 most valuable brands in the world. Coca-Cola provide Chinese consumers with more than 50 kinds of drinks to choose 15 brands, its series products in China enjoy the amount of 150 million cups a day, at present there are 43 in China builds factories, system of about 45000 employees, Coca-Cola and its bottling plants in China for a long time, spare no effort to support the education and public welfare undertakings donated more than 270 million yuan, the total coke is also the only one comprehensive support of special Olympics, the Olympic Games, paralympic games being held in China, the world expo, the universiade and the youth Olympic Games.
This is the web design I made for Youlv project. I will promote its progress in the future. I hope you like it!
This is the web design I made for Youlv project. I will promote its progress in the future. I hope you like it!
Founded in 2006 in guangzhou, Comback (or plaza) is a company that makes a great choice of materials and designs.
Founded in 2006 in guangzhou, Comback (or plaza) is a company that makes a great choice of materials and designs.
This is a bicycle website, this time it introduces a dead flying bicycle, it has unique shape design and excellent riding ability, I will show it more later.
This is a bicycle website, this time it introduces a dead flying bicycle, it has unique shape design and excellent riding ability, I will show it more later.
Inspired by uniqlo clothing, this time it tried a web version.
Inspired by uniqlo clothing, this time it tried a web version.
I brought you a men's clothing website, professional model show, the clothes inside the trend, the idea of the guys can buy a try.
I brought you a men's clothing website, professional model show, the clothes inside the trend, the idea of the guys can buy a try.
I believe that there are a lot of friends who love racing, some of them are very fond of motorcycles, because it can bring us incomparable pleasure, we really enjoy that feeling, we have made a website design page about motorcycles.
I believe that there are a lot of friends who love racing, some of them are very fond of motorcycles, because it can bring us incomparable pleasure, we really enjoy that feeling, we have made a website design page about motorcycles.
Internet sensotion Bonnie posed forngfoshion mogazine shaot in South Korea, wearing a custom plaid dresa.
Internet sensotion Bonnie posed forngfoshion mogazine shaot in South Korea, wearing a custom plaid dresa.
This is a concept I do for luckincoffee website design, I hope you will like, later I will produce luckincoffee mobile terminal interface.
This is a concept I do for luckincoffee website design, I hope you will like, later I will produce luckincoffee mobile terminal interface.
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