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作者:Tautvile Daugelaite


Lithuania’s complex history can pose a serious challenge even for long-time history buffs. National ambition and the struggle for influence from East and West shaped the action-filled past of the Baltic nation.


With the 30th anniversary of the Lithuanian Restoration of Independence on March 11 drawing near, we proudly present 9 fascinating historical facts about Lithuania that anyone should know. To kickstart your journey into the glorious Baltic past, look no further!

1. 立陶宛历史上只有一位国王——明道加斯

Lithuania had only one king, Mindaugas



He was not a huge fan of large parties. Or so we assume from his reportedly humble crowning ceremony in 1253, which was only attended by the closest witnesses. Lithuania celebrates the crowning day of Mindaugas on July 6, which doubles as Statehood day. However, the actual date or place of the crowning ceremony remains unknown.


Having united Lithuanian lands with might and wits, Mindaugas was the first ruler of Lithuania to accept baptism, convert to Christianity and leave Baltic Paganism behind. Even so, it is suggested he may have later renounced Christianity and turned back to pagan ways.

2. 首都维尔纽斯建在铁狼夜嚎的山丘上

The capital Vilnius was founded around the hills of iron wolf howling



Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania, has long been known for gorgeous old town architecture. But back in the times of Mindaugas, Kernave, a town some 35 kilometers to the northwest of Vilnius, was the capital. It wasn’t until much later that Vilnius was founded.


It is said that the Grand Duke Gediminas, Lithuania’s supreme ruler in the 14th century, dreamed of an iron wolf howling on a hill after a long day of hunting in the valley.


Upon his awakening in the morning, the duke consulted a pagan high priest, Lizdeika, who prophesied that Gediminas would found a city amongst these hills and the name of it would be heard far and wide, just like the howl of the mysterious iron wolf. And so Gediminas did. The city was named “Vilnius” after the River Vilnia that curves around the hills.


The earliest written source that mentions Vilnius is Gediminas's letters sent to Western Europe in 1323, in which he invites merchants and artisans to come to live and trade in Vilnius.


Today, the hill where the iron wolf may have howled is topped with Gediminas tower that reveals a picturesque panoramic view over the red roofs of Vilnius.

3. 立陶宛是欧洲最后一个接受基督教的国家

Lithuania was the last country in Europe to get baptised



Lithuanians strongly held on to the traditional polytheistic Indo-European religion and only accepted Christianity in the 14th century. The last Lithuanian tribe, Samogitians, stayed with the traditional religion all the way until the 15th century.


The first Christian missions to Lithuanian territories started back in the 10th century, but the missionaries hardly received a warm welcome.

4. 立陶宛波兰的联合军队曾击溃十字军

Lithuanian-Polish joint armies crushed crusaders in a historical battle

格伦瓦尔德战役,维陶塔斯大公位于画面中央(杨·马特依科 1878)


The battle of Grunwald (Zalgiris in Lithuanian) in 1410 was one of the largest knight battles of the Middle Ages and a culmination of the long-standing conflict between the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and Crusaders order.


The joint armies of The Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Kingdom of Poland defeated the Teutonic order knights with estimated 8,000 Teutonic versus 2,000-3,000 casualties on the Lithuanian side.


While Lithuanian armies were larger on man count, Teutonic order was more advanced in weaponry and armor. Thus the battle was won by a clever strategic move by Grand Duke Vytautas when the Lithuanian army seemingly retreated, luring the enemy into a trap.

5. 中世纪时 立陶宛曾是欧洲面积最大的国家

Lithuania was the largest country in Europe during the Middle Ages



A surprise for many: the current compact Lithuanian territory reached all the way to the Black Sea in the 15th century. The Grand Duchy of Lithuania, as it was called at the time, included parts of present-day Poland, Latvia, Belarus, Russia, and Ukraine.


One of the popular legends claims that Grand Duke Vytautas would let his horses drink from the Black Sea, thus illustrating the grand size of the duchy.


The myth was partially confirmed recently, when Lithuanian historians speculated that the horses could have been drinking the water close to one of the tributary streams which made the water less salty. Eureka!

6. 立陶宛和波兰曾是联合共和国

Lithuania and Poland were once a joint republic



Lithuania and Poland have a long history of collaboration and friendship, and the peak of it was the Poland- Lithuania commonwealth established in 1569. It united the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and The Crown of Poland.


At its largest, this commonwealth covered almost 1 million square kilometres, which made it one of the largest and most populous countries of 16-17th century Europe. The commonwealth used Polish and Latin as the official languages and incorporated a multi-ethnic population of almost 11 million.


The Lithuanian-Polish Commonwealth existed for more than two centuries and ended after Russian Empire, Austria, and Prussia divided the territories amongst them in 1797.

7. 维尔纽斯拥有波罗的海国家最古老的大学

Vilnius boasts the oldest university in the Baltic States



Vilnius University was founded in 1579 and has since been the majestic and slightly mysterious palace of education.


With over 20,000 students reaching towards the stars, the University takes pride in a gorgeous architectural complex representing all major architectural styles of the second millennium – baroque, gothic, renaissance, and classicism.


Today, the eclectic courtyards are filled with students and curious explorers or tourists alike – there is simply so much to discover between the curved corridors and green yards of this architectural masterpiece.

8. 立陶宛宪法是欧洲第一部宪法

Lithuanian constitution is the first one in Europe



The second written constitution following suit of the USA, which ratified the supreme law in 1787, was approved in Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in 1791. The original copy of the constitution is now exhibited to the public in Poland.


The first European constitution consisted of 11 articles and defined religion, real estate, governmental and legal institutions, military, and others spheres of life in the commonwealth. The document was originally written in Polish and later translated to Lithuanian.

9. 四十年来,书籍偷偷被运送至立陶宛境内

For 40 years, books were smuggled to Lithuania as contraband




Who would have thought that books printed in Latin alphabet could ever become so unwelcome in a country that they would need to be secretly smuggled from abroad!


When Lithuania was a part of the Russian Empire, 1864-1904 saw a complete ban of the Latin alphabet. Instead, the Cyrillic alphabet was introduced. That meant that all the documents, books, and other types of printed material in Lithuania could only use Cyrillic alphabet.


Most of the books using Latin alphabet were printed in East Prussia (presently Kaliningrad, Russia) but also as far as the USA. It is estimated that around 30,000-40,000 illegal books were smuggled into the country every year to keep spreading Lithuanian language and heritage throughout the country.


One of the national traits shared by many Lithuanians is love for uncovering historical curiosities about their country. Especially with the 30th anniversary of Restoration of Independence drawing near! Since the starting kit of the Lithuanian history has been laid out, you are ready to dive deeper into the fascinating world of grand dukes, epic battles, and ancient languages of the Baltics!

以上图片来源: vilnius-tourism.com, Wikimedia commons

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编辑于 2020-03-18 · 著作权归作者所有

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