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1、Emotions 情感 1.Likes and Dislikes 喜欢与厌恶 2.Approvals and Objections 赞成与反对 3.Suggestions and Advice 建议与忠告 1.Likes and Dislikes 喜欢与厌恶v你喜欢吗?vDo you fancy that ditty(歌谣,小曲)?vDo you go for these classical(古典) music?vAre you fond of disco?vDo you find any pleasure in traveling? v我特别喜欢vI have a special likin

2、g for outdoor sports.vI have a particular fondness for video games.vI find great pleasure in aerobic(有氧健身的) activity. v最喜欢vWhat I most enjoy is reading.vReading is one of my favorite pastimes(消遣、娱乐).vI cant find words to express how much I like it.vI dont think Ive seen anything I like it. v我不能容忍vI

3、cant stick his rudeness.vI cant stand her careless.vIm done with his stupidity.v(Note: do with: 容忍、忍受。受够了). v我特别不喜欢vI especially dislike fatty meat.vI have a particular dislike of onions(洋葱).vIm not over-enthusiastic about surf-riding(冲浪). v真糟透了!vOh no!vOh God!vHorrible, isnt it?vIts horrible. v恐怕/我

4、想不喜欢vIm afraid I dont like taking buses.vIve never liked rice, Im afraid.vI dont think that film is particular enjoyable.vI must say Im not too fond of attending parties. v Dialogue 1v A: What do you consider to be your weak point?v Frankly speaking, Im a typical Chinese workaholic(工作狂). I dont mind

5、 working late at night. Due to that, I tend to leave the office late.v B: What kind of people are you reluctant to work with?v A: So far I havent met any particular kind. However, I may rule out(排除) those who prefer chatting to working.v B: Do you prefer to work alone or as part of a team? v It depe

6、nds on the type of work. Usually I prefer to work alone, but I can work either way. If necessary, I dont hesitate to join the team. 2.Approvals and Objections 赞成与反对v我赞成vI agree.vI agree with that.vIm for it.vIm on your side.vIm in favor of you. v我无任何异议。vI cant disagree with you.vI cant disapprove.vI

7、 cant object to it.vI cant agree more.vI dont have any objection to it.vNo problem here. v我和你有同感。vI cant help thinking the same.vThats just what I was going to say.vThats my opinion, too.vThats exactly what I had in mind. v你在开玩笑吗?vAre you kidding?vDont make me laugh.vYou cant be serious(认真的,严肃的,不是开玩

8、笑的)!vYou cant mean that! v好主意!vGood idea.vGood thinking.vWhat a good idea.vIts a very good idea indeed. v我不赞成。vIm afraid I cant give my approval.vI wish I could agree with you.vI hate to disagree with you, but v我反对这个决定。vI really disapprove of this decision.vIm against this decision. vDialogue 1vA: I

9、 think we should not allow smoking in our office because its too harmful to us.vB: I see your point. The problem is most of us are smokers and need to smoke when working.vA: I dont think so. We can help them to quit smoking by forbidding it in the office.vB: I dont agree. We would get too much compl

10、aint if such a rule is set. vA: You are just protecting the smokers because you yourself are one of them. What about those non-smokers like me?vB: Im really not sure about this. Maybe we should discuss it openly with all the people in our office. 3.Suggestions and Advice 建议与忠告v我建议vI have a suggestio

11、n that vId suppose you go out for a breath of fresh air.vLet me give you a little piece of advice. v怎么样?vWhat say we go skating tomorrow?vHow does a trip to Africa strike you?vSuppose we log on to the BBS of our university? v如果我是你,我就vIf I were you, Id take them to court.vIf I were in your position,

12、I would not break my promise. v如果听我劝vIf you take my advice, youll .vIf you follow my recommendations, youll v我劝你不要vI advise you not blame him for it.vI wouldnt advise you to buy the BMW.vI would recommend you not to belittle(瞧不起) technical work. v对建议的反应vGood idea/ suggestion!vThats good idea.vThats

13、just my cup of tea.vYoure probably right.vI hadnt thought of that.vOkay by me.vBelieve I will.vDont bother. v Dialogue 1v A: Wow, its such a big city. What do you suggest that I do to know my way around?v B: En. It might be a good idea to take different buses to get familiar with the streets.v A: Wh

14、at a nice idea. Which one shall I start with?v B: I think the No. 7 bus is the best. It covers a long distance and the route is mostly along interesting places. v A: Thanks. Ill take it this afternoon. v Dialogue 2v A: Im thinking of changing a job and I need your advice.v B: Changing your job? Why?

15、 I thought you were quite happy with your current job.v A: Oh, thats a long story. In short, my new boss hate me. What do you think I should do?v B: You really think so? I think you ought to talk with him to solve your problem.v A: No. Its hard to explain. But believe me, our problem cannot be solve. Can you give me some advice on how to find a new job? v B: If so, I recommend that you surf on the Internet to find job vacancies(招聘职位). v A: Good idea! Thanks, Ill have a try.

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