

  1. 了解一个社会的最大特征,必须研究它的主要城市吗?
  2. 要求:同意or不同意
  3. developing your position

major citiesother places
1. 经济 文化 交流频繁2. 历史遗迹有充分保护3. 政治中心,更加包容反对1. 容易被其他文化同化2. 国际化,丢掉本土特色3. 文化遗产经济化,不够原汁原味
1. 偏远地方变化少,保留本土文化:方言,习俗,食品,服饰,手艺,生活方式2. 因为游客少,历史遗迹,自然环境,保存良好3. 人更单纯,更加体现真实的价值



5分的作文,需要insightful + development


Globalization has crept into most developed countries and major developing ones, multiplying economic, cultural and technological exchange among them. Historians and socialists who are curious about these states’ characteristics might do research about their major cities, but it does not mean remote places have no analytical values. In fact, studying big cities and researching marginal sites are not mutually contradictory. In my opinion, only by wide and exhaustive study could people generate a reasonable and rational view about a society.

Firstly, a society which is not always the same as it’s a decade ago is always changing. In fact, numerous factors would cast influence on it and even the change process reveals a lot. Major cities are good examples of this and it is meaningful for social survey. Through compared with past, scientists would try to analyze what cause a state to develop, how it changed and why it happened. All answers to these questions embrace colorful and cultural values in sociology industry, which focuses studying a society’s history and its traits and unique features. For example, when studying New York, a big city of the USA, mingling with immigrants and emigrants, as well as economic and political development elements, sociologists could have a better understand why it exemplifies an overwhelming mixed and dynamic characteristics among its atmosphere in communities.

As the crux of economy and politics of a country, major cities have more finance allocation to protect their historical relics and buildings, which are crucial society features’ reflection. So sociologists have intact materials to recollect for further study, which prompts them to conclude accurate conclusions. Moreover, people living in big cities are more open about foreigners and communicable about their history stories and local customs. Because of this convenience, historians would work smoothly.

However, major cities are only parts of a state. In order to have an all-around study, people should go further to outlying towns and villages to gather more information. Like China, a multiple ethnics country, its suburban may quite different with urban places: recipe, clothing, habits, vernacular and customs might significantly diverse with major cities’. Such as Shangri-la, a remote town in far south region, lives people who maintain the same living patterns and ways as centuries ago. Without going to places like that, scientists would never have a precise and exact study about a society’s characteristics of a country.

Additionally, both environmental conditions and historical heritages are kept in their most original state in small towns and villages, which are quite useful for sociologists and historians to observe and record, which in turn will be utterly meaningful in the science world. Because these primitive data will be less and less as time going by, and they are so valuable for human society.

In sum, as professional and learned sociologists and researchers who study for human beings, most of them would study both modern societies and ancient ones to arrive at a comprehensive conclusion, which will also benefit later generation to study. And it embodies what is scientific spirit.

(503 words)

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