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被遗忘的重阳节(Double 9th Festival)知多少?

被遗忘的重阳节(Double 9th Festival)知多少?


在本周和您分享Halloween(万圣节)那些不能错过的英文互动内容前,大牛爸还是希望先和您聊聊本周六的重阳节。估计想起来的朋友不多,而关注的朋友也许就更少了!尊老爱幼是最普世的价值观!‘爱幼’大牛爸相信朋友们一定做的棒棒哒!同时,我们既是孩子的父母也是父母的孩子。承上启下的我们更应该让孩子懂得尊老爱老,爱人爱己!因此,大牛爸也特此整理了有关重阳节的传统,风俗,传说,诗歌等供您和孩子聊聊重阳节,让孩子懂得Respecting senior people is a virtue!

Chongyang Festival(重阳节), also called the Double Ninth Festival(九九节), falls on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month(阴历九月初九). It is named as Chongyang Festival because according to the Chinese astrology(中国古代占星术), nine is a 'Yang' character meaning masculine or positive and 'Chong' in Chinese means double. As both the month and the day are nine, it got this name. Double Ninth may have originated as a day to drive away danger.

In China, nine has the similar pronunciation(发音相似) with the word meaning 'forever', symbolizing longevity(象征长寿). Therefore, the Chinese government set the day as the Seniors' Day(老人节).



Showing respect to the seniors(尊敬长辈)

Climbing mountains(登山)

Eating Chongyang cakes(吃重阳饼)

Drinking chrysanthemum wine(喝菊花酒)

Enjoying chrysanthemum and sticking chrysanthemum,(赏菊和插菊花)


During the East Han Dynasty, there was a devil of the plague in the Ruhe River. As long as it showed up, people got sick and even died. People living around the Ruhe River suffered a lot from the disease ravaged by demons.


There lived a man named Huan Jing. His parents died from the plague and he almost died. After he recovered, Huan Jing decided to learn the magic arts and killed the devil of the plague. Huan Jing heard that there an immortal lived in the eastern area. He took a long journey and finally found the immortal. The immortal was moved by his behavior and taught Huan Jing how to kill the devil of the plague.


One day, the immortal told Huan Jing that the devil of the plague would show up again on the ninth day of the ninth month, and he asked Huan Jing to go back to kill it. When Huan Jing went back, he asked the whole family to go to a mountain and sent everyone a Zhuyu leaf and a glass of chrysanthemum wine. When the devil of the plague emerged from the water, it got dizzy from the scent of the Zhuyu and the chrysanthemum. At that time, Huan Jing took the sword and killed the devil of the plague. Since then, climbing mountains has become a custom on the Double Ninth Festival.



(唐代诗人 王维)





Double Ninth, Remembering my Shandong Brothers

By the Tang Dynasty poet Wang Wei:

As a lonely stranger in a foreign land,

At every holiday my homesickness increases.

Far away, I know my brothers have reached the peak;

They are wearing the zhuyu, but one is not present.





把自然拼读(Phonics)说个清清楚楚 (附资料分享)

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