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Universities should require every student to take a variety of courses outside the student's field of study.

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim. In developing and supporting your position, be sure to address the most compelling reasons and/or examples that could be used to challenge your position.

Life is unpredictable, you never know what is coming next. (背景句偏题)After considering the responsibility of universities, the benefits of taking a variety of courses, as well as potential outliers, I strongly agree with the given claim(建议完整阐述主旨句).

To begin with, the responsibility of a university is to foster its students and encourage them to pursue the field they love. Despite the required personal statement that asks high schoolers to think about what they want to do and who they want to be in the future,(此处不需要局部让步,陈述事实即可) many university students entered school without a clear image of their future. As a result, many students, after experiencing the higher leveled major-only courses, realized that their major is not a right fit for them and decided to switch majors. Adding the requirement to school's policy would give these students the opportunity to explore courses outside of their field.(从论证逻辑上并没有解释清楚强制每一个学生都必须多学科学习的必要性,按照学生的意愿选修的可能性没有提及,学生通过非学校途径拓展个人兴趣的可能性也未讨论到) If, for example, a math major realized that he/she enjoys computer science very much, he/she may be able to switch the major to computer science, or even better, pursuing a double major. Even if students did not enjoy taking these non-major classes, this experience would shape them into a "well-rounded" person,(对well-rounded的定义?) and provides them opportunities to practice a variety of soft skills, such as communication, leadership, organization, etc(对于学科有限制么?).

Furthermore, having this requirement is beneficial to student's future as well. Society is changing all the time. With the improvement of technology, it is hard for us to predict what job will be needed 10 years from today. The now popular high-income job may be completely replaced by robots and AI in the future. Thus, letting students to take courses of different fields would lay the foundation of potential job changing. In additional, real life problems are perplexing. (段落内第一个观点还未解释清楚,不建议合并入第二个独立的观点)After graduation, students will tackle on complex problem themselves without the guidance of their professors. It is hard to tell what combination of skills will be needed, so learning a variety of knowledge from varies fields will help them solve any problem that is outside of their field of study.

That being said, these courses could take up a good amount of credits and consume a lot of time. I, for a very long time, did not appreciate this policy that my school implemented. As someone trying to pursue a triple major in four years, I did not have time to "waste" on these courses.(GRE写作避免使用个人例子,不具备代表性) Only until I started working did I really appreciate the benefit that my two year sequence of "French", courses on education, atmospheric science, etc. brings to me. Like I mentioned before, it helped me to solve real world problem related to weather condition, and provided me the opportunity to network with my french mentor. (让步段的反驳理由与前两段的支持理由重复,建议替换)

In conclusion, I strongly agree with the claim, as it will make these students well-rounded and better prepare them for the future. In some extreme cases like pursuing a triple major, students could extend their university life to a five year graduation, which would both give them enough time to study and be better prepared for the future.

  1. GRE写作批改与范文合集:





■ 托福提分月计划课程(在线小班)
■ SAT/ACT精英课程(在线小班)
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