书山有路勤为径 , 译海无涯精作舟

钟灵翻译 , 译贯中西


书山有路勤为径 , 译海无涯精作舟



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外贸合同翻译的出现和发展是随着商业贸易的增加而不断出现的,因此国外对商业合同的研究比国内早,也更成熟。合同特别是商务合同在我国的研究是在近代。近几年来,我国经济发展迅猛,企业规模不断扩大,同外商的贸易额快速增长,人们对合同重要性的认识不断加深。我国对合同翻译的研究多是从语言学和翻译理论的角度对合同翻译的性质、特点及句型特点进行研究。根据世界经济的发展趋势,合同特别是外贸合同在贸易中的作用是非常明显的,因此,有必要对外贸合同翻译进行更深入的研究。以下小编【 钟灵翻译】给大家来分享一篇外贸合同翻译英语模板吧。

Within       days after the date when the vessel sets off, the Seller shall airmail one copy of each of the documents mentioned in clause 10.2 to the Buyer. The Seller guarantees that upon delivery all goods to be delivered by the Seller shall be completely new and shall comply in all material respects with this Contract.

在运载船只启航之日起      日内,卖方应将本合同第10.2条列举的单证的副本各一份航空邮寄给买方。卖方保证其所交付的货物在交货时是全新的,并且在所有实质方面符合本合同规定。


The guarantee period is within       months after the date of the completion of unloading of the goods at the port of destination. Within the guarantee period, the Seller shall remove all defects of the goods due to design, workmanship and improper material used either by repairing or by placing the defective parts o r the goods on his own account. The Seller shall warrant that it has the lawful right to own or dispose the goods under the Contract, and that the goods shall be free from any right or claim of a third party based on industrial property or other intellectual property.

货物的质量保证期为自货物在目的港卸货完毕之日起     个月。在质量保证期内凡因设计、制造工艺和所用材料不符合合同规定而产生的缺陷卖方应自负费用进行修理或更换货物或部件。 卖方保证其对本合同项下货物有合法的所有权或处分权并保证该货物没有侵犯第三人的知识产权。


In case the quality and/or quantity/weight are found by the Buyer to be not in conformity with the Contract after the arrival of the goods at the port of destination, the Buyer shall claim to the Seller, supported by survey report issued by the inspection organization, with the exception, however, of those claims not due to the Seller’s fault and for which the Seller shall not take any responsibility, including but not limited to those caused by natural reason, the insurance company and/or the shipping company, o r any other transportation entities



The notification of claims for quality discrepancy should be filed by the Buyer within      days after arrival of the goods at the port of destination, while for quantity/weight discrepancy claims should be filed by the Buyer within       days after the arrival of the goods at the port of destination. The Seller shall, within       days after receipt of the notification of the claim, send reply to the Buyer or else the claims shall be reckoned as having been accepted by the Seller.

对质量与合同规定不符的索赔通知须于货到目的港之日起    天内提出方为有效而对数量/重量与合同规定不符的索赔通知须于货到目的港之日起     天内提出。卖方应于收到索赔通知后     天内答复买方,否则视为卖方已接受该索赔。


The Buyer shall bear the inspection fees, however, in case the inspection results show the quality/quantity/weight discrepancy and the Seller accept the discrepancy, the Seller shall bear the corresponding fees if reasonable.




文章编辑:钟灵翻译( www.zzzltrans.com,仅供学习参考之用!






2020年12月5日 16:46

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